Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Spectacular Fireworks

This was the title of a fireworks event in order to celebrate Indonesia Independence Day held in my house complex by the developer. The organizer claimed that it was the first most spectacular and biggest fireworks event has ever held in Indonesia. From its first publication I promised those angels to spare some time to watch it. The location was near enough to be reached by walk from my carport but we assumed that the show would last after midnight so we decided to go to the location by car (think that the girls couldn't stay up along the night so we prepared some food, a mattress, some pillows, and off course their treasure bolsters; they're all crazy about bolster). The show was spectacular indeed, especially for me that I held my breath most of the time during the show.
In my sight, I could see many images flashing up in the dark sky. At some moment I thought I saw images of birds, butterflies, and even constellation.

Couldn't describe it in words, these are some more pictures I could take with my old pocket camera (It was the second time I pitied myself for not having a high resolution camera).

1 comment:

ibudirafisa said...


hihi kamu sih gak mau jual kue mu ...
klu di tabung hasilnya kan bisa u beli kamera (still