Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Indonesian Mud Cake (Kue Lumpur)

If American has Mississippi Mud cake, then Indonesian has our own mud cake. This is not my too favorite traditional cake actually. For me the taste is nice but boring. Don't know why they called it that way (maybe originally the texture of the center cake should be still a little bit creamy like mud ??)
I made them last night, only to try the new mud cake mould I bought at Pasar Beringharjo, Yogyakarta. And also because they're quite simple to make although still having trouble with my new stand mixer.
The result is quite satisfying though I couldn't take another one to eat,... one mud cake is enough for me, two would be too much.

Heavenly Mud Cake
(Source : Pak Sahak)

Ingredients A :
6 eggs (6 yolks + 2 whites)
300gr sugar
(Beat until pale and thick)

Ingredients B :
Mashed Potato (from 500 gr steamed potato)
200gr flour
200gr coconut milk
75gr fresh milk
(Stir well all of the ingredients)

Ingredient C :
150gr butter (melt them, let cool)

Topping :
100gr raisins

How to :
  1. Gradually add Ingredient B together into A, stir well.
  2. Add ingredient C, again stir well. Leave the batter for about 60 minutes.
  3. Heat the mould (put it directly on the stove burner), grease with butter.
  4. Pour the batter into mould. Let until it half sets.
  5. Sprinkle just 1-3 raisins. Bake until the topping is set/the whole cake is done.
  6. Take the cake out of the mould, cool them in a rack. Serve.

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