Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Sugarcraft Cookies

I wouldn't describe myself as a very persistent person (woman). Then I was a little bit suprised to see that finally I can finish on what I call "only in my dream baking project". Actually it was not the first time I made these cookies, I once made them for my eldest daughter's souvenir on her last birthday. But for now, I dedicated all my competency and my not-so artistic feeling in decorating them thoroughly.
The cookie itself was rather a piece of cake if I may say that. But doing the decorating paid me some hot plaster (a.k.a. koyo panas) all over my back, though I admit that I almost satisfied with this project.
I'm not that health freak but using food coloring that had been certified by FDA, BPOM, and Ministary of Health Department would be my one and only unhaggling requirement. Here is the recipe. I used Ruri's royal icing recipe (thanks Ruri, rest in peace and may Allah have mercy on you).


Ingredients :
150 gram salted butter
150 gram margarine
350 gram flour
2 egg yolks
25 gram cornstarch
25 gram fullcream milk powder
150 gram powdered sugar
1/2 sdt vanilla paste

How to :
1. Preheat the oven at 150 degree celcius, lightly grease cookie baking sheet with butter
2. Mix butter, margarine and powdered sugar together with wooden spatula
3. Beat the mix butter until fluffy
4. Beat in egg yolks, add vanilla paste. Beat well
5. Mix together milk powdered, corn starch, and flour. Fold in this mix flour into the butter dough. Blend well until the dough come together.
6. Roll the dough at desired thickness between two cookie sheet and cut into desired shapes using cookie cutter.
7. Bake in the oven until set (cookies will turn yellowish). Cool them in rack.

Royal Icing

Ingredients :
1 egg white
250 gr icing sugar
2 - 3 tbsp lemon juice
Food coloring as desired

How to :
1. Beat egg white until thick and fluffy.
2. Add icing sugar gradually, beat well.
3. Add in the lemon juice, beat well.
4. Divide this icing mix into several bowls, add each bowl with several drops of coloring, mix well.
5. Put each colored icing sugar directly into plastic piping bag cause they easily get dry.
6. Royal icing is ready to use.
Happy decorating. Don't forget to bake the decorated cookie in a very low heat oven just to dried up the royal icing (also to kill the germs/bacteria from the egg white)

Tips :
- We may prepare the cookie several days before doing the decorating. just put cookie in air tight jar.
- When starting to decorate cookie, cut the edge of piping bag in tiny hole to avoid the icing get spill up over the cookie.

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