Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Totto Chan, The Little Girl at The Window

This is a non fiction story written by Tetsuko Kuroyanagi telling about her childhood as a girl who called Totto Chan. I often read books on how to raise children but I must admit that this book was giving me the biggest inspiration. Although I'm not agree with all of the methods used by the headmaster Sosaku Kobayashi (the idea of swimming together nakedly still couldn't get into my brain), but I do believe that giving our children positives encouragements simultanously will do many good things to them. Now I try to spare more time for my girls especially before bed time just to hold and hug them and whisper that "magic words", the magic words that Sosaku Kobayashi used to say to Totto Chan. These magic words always sound like this : "You are a good girl, a very good girl", or "Do you know that you're a very good girl ?", or "Have I told you that you're a very good girl ?" .. etc etc.. something sounds like that. The effects are wonderful (or maybe basically my girls are good indeed ? I don't know but it sure did no harm at all, just try it. And try to read the book first, once you read it you couldn't put it down until you finished it, trust me ....


ibudirafisa said...

Bener Sin kata kata positf u meng-encourage anak2 memang cukup bisa diandalkan. Dan sebagai ortu perlu latihan agar kata kata yg keluar selalu positif pd anak2 ... jgn sampe ada label negatif...

Tp aku pernah berfikir apakah ada anak yg perlu kata2 yg mendorong/memuji dulu baru mereka berbuat baik ...klu gak ada dorongan mereka akan diem atau malah berlaku negatif..hihiii...

Shinta said...

Mnrtku sih semua anak itu baik tapi masalahnya kita ga bisa protect anak-anak terus dari pengaruh buruk lingkungan, so yang Uni El bilang itu menurutku bagus banget buat reminder mereka. Dengan selalu diingatkan bahwa mereka itu anak baik harapannya pengaruh jelek dari lingkungan itu bisa difilter or paling ga dikurangi dampaknya ke anak (... semoga yaa)

Iin Ruslan said...

I read this book as well.
It's very touching...