Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Guilty Pleasure

I do enjoy my daily routine, my work, my struggling with those angels (I mean in a very nice and enjoyable way, you know) and lit the burner of my standing gas stove up.
Until a couple days ago, a best friend of mine offered me a very very intersting idea, “We are going to Central Java to visit Jogja and Solo on this weekend, will you come with us ?”.

What … ?? In a blink of an eye I said, “Off course I’ll come with you all. Count me in, baby !!”. Yuhuuuu…, I drowned with excitement, I felt like it was almost a century ago since I took my own vacation. Damn !! I need an escapade ... no no no actually it wasn’t an escapade, just a moment of freeing my self from monitor and keyboard, from making that sickening nasi goreng or mi goreng or toast for breakfast every morning, from changing diapers and making a bottle of milk in the middle of the night sleepily, etc etc.

Honestly, as I thought about the last daily routine above, I felt as if someone pinched my nose very hard and make me back down to earth. What about those kiddos ? Will they o.k without me on the weekend ? What about him ? Then I took a look at the calendar, it’s his Saturday office schedule.
That night I gathered all my nerves tried to ask for his permission. Guess what his answer was ? “Go ahead, dear. You need a break and you deserve it. I’ll take care of the children”. Yiiiihaa… I jumped to the sky… Jogja Solo here I come …..

When the time to depart come, I carried my back pack and step lightly indeed. I did enjoy our trip very much. Maybe I’ll write it down later in this blog. As we strolled along the ways during our journey between Jakarta – Jogja and Jogja – Solo, I felt as though I’ve been charging my energy. But still in several times I judged my self for being such a lousy mother. How could I leave those girls while here I am enjoying this and that. What about them ? Are they eat properly ? Do they sleep tight and peacefully ?
I made a promise to myself that I will look for some moments to give them some enjoyment like this. Write it down, write it down ….. Don’t break your promise …..
What a guilty pleasure !!


The Caretaker said...

Sounds like you needed to get away, good that you did, perhaps you will get to do it again--sometimes, being away from our loved ones for a short while helps us be there for them when together.
Nice fireworks photos, dig the recipes, wish I had the time to try them out, perhaps later.

Shinta said...

Hi, you're right and I'll look for a chance to do it again. Skating in the freeze Lake George sounds interesting.. I wish it's not only in my dreams. Thanks for visiting Jeff. And by the way, how does it feel to be the only one settles in an an island all by yourself ? ---Shinta